Nataliya Petrovna SATONKINA

Phone: +7(3832)333249
Fax: +7(3832)331612

Electronic copies of recent publications

Results in Engineering, 2022, V. 16, 100621;

-- N.P. Satonkina, K.E. Kuper, A.P. Ershov, E.R. Pruuel, A.S. Yunoshev, Ya.L. Lukyanov, D.V. Gusachenko, A.S. Khorungenko, A.A. Kuzminykh:
Tomographic study of the structure of cast and pressed trotyl charges

Physics of Fluids, 2022, V. 34, 087113;

-- N.P. Satonkina and D. A. Medvedev:
On the kinetics of chemical reactions at the detonation of organic high explosives

Физика горения и взрыва, 2021, т. 57, №3, стр. 111-118.

-- А.П. Ершов, В.В. Андреев, А.О. Кашкаров, Я.Л. Лукьянов, Д.А. Медведев, Э.Р. Прууэл, И.А. Рубцов, Н.П. Сатонкина, С.А. Соловьев:
Детонация ультрадисперсных взрывчатых веществ

Combustion, Explosion and Shock Waves, 2021, V. 57, N3. P. 356-363.

-- A.P. Ershov, V.V. Andreev, A.O. Kashkarov, Ya.L. Luk'yanov, D.A. Medvedev, E.R. Pruuel, and I.A. Rubtsov, N.P. Satonkina, S.A. Solov'ev:
Detonation of Ultrafine Explosives

Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021, V. 1787, 012015;

-- N.P. Satonkina and A.P. Ershov:
Dynamics of carbon nanostructures in the benzotrifuroxan detonation

Физика горения и взрыва, 2020, т. 56, №6, стр. 95-106.

-- А.П. Ершов, Н.П. Сатонкина, А.В. Пластинин, А.С. Юношев:
О диагностике зоны химической реакции при детонации твердых взрывчатых веществ

Combustion, Explosion and Shock Waves, 2020, V. 56, N6. P. 705-715.

-- A.P. Ershov, N.P. Satonkina, A.V. Plastinin, and A.S. Yunoshev:
Diagnostics of the Chemical Reaction Zone in Detonation of Solid Explosives

Royal Society of Chemistry Advances, 2020, V. 10. 17620.

-- N.P. Satonkina, A.P. Ershov, A.O. Kashkarov and I.A. Rubtsov:
Elongated conductive structures in detonation soot of high explosives

Combustion and Flame, 2019, V. 206. P. 249--251.

-- N.P. Satonkina, A.P. Ershov, A.V. Plastinin and A.S. Yunoshev:
Chemical reaction zone and electrical conductivity profile in detonating high explosives

Scientific Reports, 2019, V. 206. P. 249--251.

-- N.P. Satonkina:
Infuence of the grain size of high explosives on the duration of a high conductivity zone at the detonation

Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2018, V. 1128. 012063.

-- Satonkina N.P., Bordzilovsky S.A, Danilko D.A., Ershov A.P., Karakhanov S.M., Plastinin A.V., Rafeichik S.I., Yunoshev A.S.:
Influence of aluminum on the characteristics of detonating emulsion explosives

Scientific Reports, 2018, V. 8, 9635.

-- N. Satonkina, A. Ershov, A. Kashkarov, A. Mikhaylov, E. Pruuel, I. Rubtsov, I. Spirin & V. Titova:
Electrical Conductivity Distribution in Detonating Benzotrifuroxane

Scientific Reports, 2018, V. 8, 11788.

-- N. Satonkina, A. Ershov, A. Kashkarov, A. Mikhaylov, E. Pruuel, I. Rubtsov, I. Spirin & V. Titova:
Author Correction: Electrical Conductivity Distribution in Detonating Benzotrifuroxane

Физика горения и взрыва, 2016, т. 52, №4, стр. 129-133.

-- Н.П. Сатонкина:
Связь электропроводности при детонации конденсированных ВВ с содержанием в них углерода

Combustion, Explosion and Shock Waves, 2016, V. 52, N 4. P. 488-492.

-- N.P. Satonkina:
Correlation of Electrical Conductivity in the Detonation of Condensed Explosives with Their Carbon Content

Journal of Applied Physics, 2016, V. 119, N7. 075903.

-- A.P. Ershov, A.O. Kashkarov, E.R. Pruuel, N.P. Satonkina, V.V. Sil'vestrov, A.S. Yunoshev and A.V. Plastinin:
Nonideal detonation regimes in low density explosives

Journal of Applied Physics, 2015, V. 118. 245901.

-- N.P. Satonkina:
The dynamics of carbon nanostructures at detonation of condensed high explosives

Физика горения и взрыва, 2015, т. 51, №3, стр. 91-97.

-- Н.П. Сатонкина, Э.Р. Прууэл, А.П. Ершов, В.В. Сильвестров, Д.И. Карпов, А.В. Пластинин:
Эволюция электропроводности эмульсионных взрывчатых веществ при их детонационном превращении

Combustion, Explosion and Shock Waves, 2015, V. 51, N3. P. 366-372.

-- N.P. Satonkina, E.R. Pruuel, A.P. Ershov, V.V. Sil'vestrov, D.I. Karpov and A.V. Plastinin:
Evolution of electrical conductivity of emulsion explosives during their detonation conversion

Journal of Engineering Thermophysics, 2011, V. 20, N3. P. 315-319.

-- N.P. Satonkina, E.R. Pruuel, A.P. Ershov, D.I. Karpov, V.V. Sil'vestrov, A.V. Plastinin and P.A. Savrovskii:
Electrical Conduction of Emulsion Explosives

14th Detonation Symposium (International)
April 11-16, 2010, Coeur d'Alene, ID, VA, USA

-- A.P. Ershov and N.P. Satonkina:
Electrical conductivity Profiles in Detonating Low-Density Explosives of Various Grain Sizes

Combustion and Flame, 2010, V. 157, N5. P. 1022--1026.

-- A.P. Ershov and N.P. Satonkina:
Electrical conductivity distributions in detonating low-density explosives - Grain size effect

Физика горения и взрыва, 2009, т. 45, №2, стр. 109-115.

-- А.П. Ершов, Н.П. Сатонкина:
Исследование зон реакции в неоднородных взрывчатых веществах методом электропроводности

Combustion, Explosion and Shock Waves, 2009, V. 45, N2. P. 205-210.

-- A.P. Ershov and N.P. Satonkina:
Investigation of the reaction zone in heterogeneous explosives substances using an electrical conductivity method

Химическая физика, 2007, т. 26, №12, стр. 21-33.

-- А. П. Ершов, Н.П. Сатонкина, Г.М. Иванов
Профили электропроводности в плотных взрывчатых веществах

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2007, V. 1, N6. P. 588-599.

-- --> A.P. Ershov, N.P. Satonkina and G.M. Ivanov:
Electroconductivity profiles in dense high explosives

13th Detonation Symposium (International)
July 23-28, 2006, Norfolk, VA, USA

-- A.P. Ershov, N.P. Satonkina and G.M. Ivanov:
Reaction zones and conductive zones in dense explosives

12th Detonation Symposium (International)
11 - 16 August, 2002, SanDiego, California, USA

-- V.F. Anisichkin, S.D. Gilev, A.P. Ershov, D.A. Medvedev, N.P. Satonkina, and A.M. Trubachev:


Explosion Physics Laboratory