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  abstract = {Molecular dynamics near walls, in volume -- Navier-Stokes},
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  author = {Sugino, O. and Car, R.},
  title = {Ab initio molecular dynamics study of first-order phase transitions:
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  author = {Groot, R.D. and Warren, P.B.},
  title = {Dissipative particle dynamics: {B}ridging the gap
                  between atomistic and mesoscopic simulation},
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  note = {},
  abstract = {},
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  author = {Tanner, G.M. and Bhattacharya, A. and Nayak, S.K.
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  month = {},
  note = {},
  abstract = {Рассматривается плавление кластеров Ar_19 и Ar_17. В
                  качестве критериев плавления можно выбирать
                  флуктуацию длины связи и динамический структурный
                  фактор. Ar_19 - кластер с магическим числом атомов,
                  есть динамическое сосуществование фаз и четкая T_m, в
                  Ar_17 переход плавный},
  keywords = {},
  source = {},
  ruslan = {},
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  author = {Куперштох, А.Л. and Ершов, А.П. and Медведев, Д.А.},
  title = {Модель коагуляции углеродных кластеров при высоких
                  плотностях и температурах},
  journal = {Физика горения и взрыва},
  year = {1998},
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  month = {},
  note = {},
  abstract = {},
  keywords = {},
  source = {},
  ruslan = {Y},
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  author = {de Koning, M. and Antonelli, A. and Yip, S.},
  title = {Optimized free-energy evaluation using a single
                  reversible-scaling simulation},
  journal = {Physical Review Letters},
  year = {1999},
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  number = {20},
  pages = {3973--3977},
  month = {},
  note = {},
  abstract = {},
  keywords = {},
  source = {},
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  author = {Flekkoy, E.G. and Coveney, P.V. and De Fabrittis, G.},
  title = {Foundation of dissipative particle dynamics},
  journal = {Physical Review E},
  year = {2000},
  volume = {62},
  number = {2},
  pages = {2140--2157},
  month = {},
  note = {},
  abstract = {},
  keywords = {},
  source = {},
  file = f
  author = {McNamara, S. and Flekkoy, E.G. and Maloy, K.J.},
  title = {Grains and gas flow: {M}olecular dynamics with hydrodynamic
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  month = {},
  note = {},
  abstract = {},
  keywords = {},
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  author = {Смирнов, Б.М.},
  title = {Скейлинг в атомной и молекулярной физике},
  journal = {Успехи физических наук},
  year = {2001},
  volume = {171},
  number = {12},
  pages = {1291--1315},
  month = {},
  note = {},
  abstract = {Рассматривается связь параметров парных потенциалов для
                  инертных газов с различными термодинамическими параметрами},
  keywords = {},
  source = {},
  ruslan = {Y},
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  author = {Breaux, G.A. and Benirschke, R.C. and Kinnear, B.S. and
                  Jarrold, M.F.},
  title = {Hot and solid gallium clusters: too small to melt},
  journal = {Physical Review Letters},
  year = {2003},
  volume = {91},
  number = {21},
  pages = {215508},
  month = {},
  note = {},
  abstract = {Experiments},
  keywords = {},
  source = {},
  file = f
  author = {Chacko, S. and Joshi, K. and Kanhere, D.G. and Blundell, S.A.},
  title = {Why do gallium clusters have a higher melting point than
                  the bulk?},
  journal = {Physical Review Letters},
  year = {2003},
  volume = {92},
  number = {13},
  pages = {135506},
  month = {},
  note = {},
  abstract = {},
  keywords = {},
  source = {},
  file = f
  author = {Soddermann, T. and D{\"{u}}nweg, B. and Kremer, K.},
  title = {Dissipative particle dynamics: {A} useful thermostat for
                  equilibrium and nonequilibrium molecular dynamics simulations},
  journal = {Physical Review E},
  year = {2003},
  volume = {68},
  number = {4},
  pages = {046702},
  month = {},
  note = {},
  abstract = {},
  keywords = {},
  source = {},
  file = f
  author = {Warren, P.B.},
  title = {Vapor-liquid coexistence in many-body dissipative particle dynamics},
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  year = {2003},
  volume = {68},
  number = {6},
  pages = {066702},
  month = {},
  note = {},
  abstract = {},
  keywords = {},
  source = {},
  file = f
  author = {Берри, Р.С. and Смирнов, Б.М.},
  title = {Фазовые переходы и сопутствующие явления в простых системах
                  связанных атомов},
  journal = {Успехи физических наук},
  year = {2005},
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  number = {4},
  pages = {368--411},
  month = {},
  note = {},
  abstract = {},
  keywords = {},
  source = {},
  ruslan = {Y},
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  author = {Breaux, G.A. and Neal, C.M. and Cao, B. and Jarrold, M.F.},
  title = {Melting, premelting, and structural transitions in size-selected
                  aluminium clusters with around 55 atoms},
  journal = {Physical Review Letters},
  year = {2005},
  volume = {94},
  number = {17},
  pages = {173401},
  month = {},
  note = {},
  abstract = {Experiments},
  keywords = {},
  source = {},
  file = f
  author = {Wang, X. and Scandolo, S. and Car, R.},
  title = {Carbon phase diagram from ab initio molecular dynamics},
  journal = {Physical Review Letters},
  year = {2005},
  volume = {95},
  number = {18},
  pages = {185701},
  month = {},
  note = {},
  abstract = {},
  keywords = {},
  source = {},
  file = f
  author = {Joshi, K. and Krishnamurty, S. and Kanhere, D.G.},
  title = {``Magic melters'' have geometrical origin},
  journal = {Physical Review Letters},
  year = {2006},
  volume = {96},
  number = {13},
  pages = {135703},
  month = {},
  note = {},
  abstract = {DF-simulations. Very different elting properties of Ga$_{30}$ and
                  Ga$_{31}$; Na$_{40}$, Na$_{50}$ and Na$_{55}$},
  keywords = {},
  source = {},
  file = f
  author = {Nie, X. and Robbins, M.O. and Chen, S.},
  title = {Resolving singular forces in cavity flow: multiscale modeling from
                  atomic to millimeter scale},
  journal = {Physical Review Letters},
  year = {2006},
  volume = {96},
  number = {13},
  pages = {134501},
  month = {},
  note = {},
  abstract = {Smallest scale is modelled by MD, larger - Navier-Stokes},
  keywords = {},
  source = {},
  file = f
  author = {Берри, Р.С. and Смирнов, Б.М.},
  title = {Фазовые переходы в кластерах различных типов},
  journal = {Успехи физических наук},
  year = {2009},
  volume = {179},
  number = {2},
  pages = {147--177},
  month = {},
  note = {},
  abstract = {},
  keywords = {},
  source = {},
  ruslan = {Y},
  file = f